Your teacher will assist with any difficulties you may experience here. The answer is yes! Given the Adobe interface is practically identical on both MAC and PC platforms (other than some differences in regards to keyboard shortcuts and the like), as long as you have basic computer skills (ie: are comfortable navigating around a windows or mac environment) you should experience no issues. I notice the course is run on MAC but I have a PC (or vice-versa) – Can I still attend? Please bring along a USB stick (at least 2GB minimum) in order to save your files during class, and a pen and paper to take notes (optional). This course will not teach those basic computer skills. This includes keyboard and mouse skills (including being familiar with various right mouse click functions) and being able to navigate your way around either an apple or windows environment. Please note that while this class is perfect for beginners to the Adobe Creative suite, you will require basic computer skills. No prior knowledge of Adobe software is needed however you will require basic computer skills Do I require any prior knowledge of Adobe software in order to do this class?

discover the new features of Adobe Photoshop Creative Cloud.Develop a greater understanding of this powerful application and its ability to enhance photographic imagery and illustration projects. Learn the basic fundamentals, tools and best ways to use Creative Cloud’s Adobe Photoshop. What’s more, with the Edge Detection feature in this Adobe Photoshop software, you can select fine elements of your picture so that you get done with editing quickly.Course Summary Everything you need to get started with Adobe Photoshop You can delete unwanted objects from your photos as this Adobe image editing software realistically fills up the space left behind. Furthermore, you can also produce HDR images with this Adobe Photoshop software by merging different exposures. Through the motion content editing tools in the Adobe Photoshop CS5 Extended Student and Teacher Edition (65050129) you can also paint over or add text to multiple frames of your video file. Moreover, you can turn your picture into a painting using this Adobe image editing software as it lets you generate natural brushstrokes. Using the Repoussé technology in this Adobe Photoshop software (one license and media), you can create realistic 3D images and designs.

Learn the art of digital imaging with the full version of the Adobe Photoshop CS5 Extended Student and Teacher Edition (65050129) software.